Saying Goodbye to Crazy Owl

Crazy lived a long, diverse life, and will be missed.

Crazy died at 8:10am on Monday, April 4th, 2011, after announcing his impending death about 10 days prior. Jeff offered to take him to hospital, and Crazy promptly refused, which didn’t surprise anyone. His knowledge of plants and Chinese herbal medicine, and his subsequent generosity and desire to help people, is a real loss. Many more people will miss his miso, which was always top-notch.

When his obituary is printed in the paper, I’ll post it as well. In the meantime, please visit his web page, Crazy Owl’s Perch to read more about him, his views, and his knowledge of plant medicine.

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  1. That is sad to read. I just ran across his website today and read through it with appreciation of the suggestions he made.

  2. Bye Crazy Owl! You have been and continue to be a great friend and inspiration.

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