
Life Forces

The forces generating life processes are fast asleep underneath our snow-covered farm. Evidence of their previous activities reveal themselves in tree trunks and the anastomosis of the bare branches stretching skyward. Growth is not visible at this time of year, but the life forces involved are not inactive. When the winter sun’s angle to the…


I recently attended an advanced course in biochemistry. You may not want to read any further. On the other hand, if everything in the world can be reduced to a few unreducable elements, let’s try to learn a little about them. N, P, and K are the primary elements farmers fertilize their fields with. They…

Keyline Plowing

Water winds its way downhill, seeking its own level. The Long Hungry Creek swells mightily after a big rain. Lack of moisture in the dry spell limits agricultural production. An obvious question arises, “How can we keep the water that falls on our farms for later use?” Lateral trenches along the contour come to mind….


Purcell Log Cabin

I have moved. I apologize for the sporadic columns this summer, but I believe I’ll get back into the swing of things soon. There is certainly a lot to write about. First of all, I haven’t moved very far, just a few miles downstream. We spent the last year fixing up the old Purcell house on…

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Seasonal Eating

Seasonal eating has existed for the bulk of human existence, but is new for most of us, as we are used to being able to get any type of produce year-round in the big grocery chains. Our farm offers a different approach, the CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). Through CSAs small organic farms thrive, and city folks…

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Biodynamic Farming

Biodynamics is an organic farming method, born in 1924, which suggests that the use of artificial fertilizers will have a detrimental effect on our soils and eventually our human spiritual development. It appeals to me because it values old-time farming practices, such as using compost, cover crops and manure. By giving back to the earth…