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Seasonal Eating

Seasonal eating has existed for the bulk of human existence, but is new for most of us, as we are used to being able to get any type of produce year-round in the big grocery chains. Our farm offers a different approach, the CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). Through CSAs small organic farms thrive, and city folks…

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Biodynamic Farming

Biodynamics is an organic farming method, born in 1924, which suggests that the use of artificial fertilizers will have a detrimental effect on our soils and eventually our human spiritual development. It appeals to me because it values old-time farming practices, such as using compost, cover crops and manure. By giving back to the earth…

Nashville blogger stirs up a massive cookie bake-off

1:06 PM, Dec. 6, 2011 http://www.tennessean.com/article/20111207/LIFE02/312070082/Nashville-blogger-stirs-up-massive-cookie-bake-off   Purchase Image Lindsay Landis laughs as her mixer splashes her blouse while she makes cookies. More than 620 bloggers are sharing cookies, and their recipes, later this month. / GEORGE WALKER IV/THE TENNESSEAN On Oct. 24, local food blogger Lindsay Landis dropped an idea into cyberspace like a…

How About A Winter CSA?

Jeff’s latest project is a winter CSA, running from the first Monday in January for 20 weeks to the middle of May.  The main CSA season always starts the day after Memorial Day, which means next year’s  main CSA season begins on May 31st.  That means there is leeway to work with if the weather…

Good Food’s Day… Halloween Party… make for great fun!

As usual, time spent at the farm is a pleasure and an education. Sandor Katz did his annual presentation and demonstration of simple vegetable ferments. Included in this category are the simplest and most well known ferments- sauerkraut and kimchi. It doesn’t matter at all how many times I have heard Sandor speak. His knowledge…

Food Solutions

In these economic hard times it should come as no surprise that more people find themselves struggling to acquire the basic necessities of life, including food. Even before the recession there were plenty of reports of increasing food insecurity. As I scour the internet each week for food news to share with you, one topic…