
Purcell Log Cabin

I have moved. I apologize for the sporadic columns this summer, but I believe I’ll get back into the swing of things soon. There is certainly a lot to write about. First of all, I haven’t moved very far, just a few miles downstream. We spent the last year fixing up the old Purcell house on…

Haslam: Speed up chicken farm permits

Dec. 6, 2011 http://www.tennessean.com/article/20111206/NEWS21/312060047/Haslam-Speed-up-chicken-farm-permits?odyssey=mod|newswell|text|FRONTPAGE|s   FRANKLIN — Gov. Bill Haslam said Monday that his administration is trying to speed up the time it takes for poultry farms to get environmental permits. The Republican governor said after a speech to the Farm Bureau that his goal is for the state to strike the “right balance between…

This is a letter from someone who has had the misfortune of living near industrial chicken houses…

Good day, let me add to the Barefoot Farmer’s fight. I have a home in Clay county located in a Lake View Estates subdivision of 20 plus homes & more being built. Back in ’07 Cagle & Keystone built a CAFO with 6 buildings that house 150000 birds. We tried to fight it with over…


Downwind, Downstream, and Downhill

http://biodynamicsbda.wordpress.com/2011/11/02/downwind-downstream-and-downhill/ November 2, 2011 by biodynamicsbda By Karen Davis-Brown ©Long Hungry Creek Farm Imagine that you live in a paradise. Long Hungry Creek Farm is located outside the town of Red Boiling Springs, in Macon County, in the hills of north central Tennessee. It is one of the oldest (established in 1974) and largest (250…

The EPA’s take: How Do CAFOs Impact the Environment?

[The EPA admits freely the potential dangers of CAFOs in this short, concise statement.  –Alan] How Do CAFOs Impact the Environment? Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) are facilities where large numbers of poultry, swine, cattle or other animal types are confined within a much smaller area than traditional pasture operations. The concentration of the wastes…

Impacts of CAFOs on Rural Communities

Impacts of CAFOs on Rural Communities[i] John Ikerd[ii] http://web.missouri.edu/~ikerdj/papers/Indiana%20–%20CAFOs%20%20Communities.htm The only thing that promoters and opponents of large-scale confinement animal feeding operations (CAFOs) agreed on is that CAFOs invariably create conflicts in rural communities.  The CAFO promoters accuse the opponents of being emotional, uninformed, radicals, opposed to modern agriculture and to progress in general. The…

Big Chicken: Pollution and Industrial Poultry Production in America

Report Jul 26, 2011 Reforming Industrial Animal Agriculture Contact: Dave Bard, 202.778.4551 & Jamie Shor, 202.339.9598 Related Resources Press Release Videos: Broilers and the Chesapeake Polluting Poultry in the Chesapeake Photo Gallery Broiler chickens (raised for their meat) are produced by the millions in industrial facilities concentrated in just a handful of states, and much…

TN organic farmer believes land at risk Corporate chicken farm may alter area

Tennessean Newspaper Mar. 20, 2011 Written by Anne Paine RED BOILING SPRINGS, Tenn. — Jeff Poppen’s chickens followed him as he carried a bucket of grain across one of his organic fields at Long Hungry Creek Farm last week. Above them, atop a steep hill just behind Poppen’s fruit and vegetable gardens, stood a pile…