Book Signing Today!
The Barefoot Farmer is signing books today!
5 pm @ Armours Red Boiling Springs Hotel
Come out for the fun of it!
The Barefoot Farmer is signing books today!
5 pm @ Armours Red Boiling Springs Hotel
Come out for the fun of it!
Here is the detailed schedule for this year’s conference: 2011 BD schedule (pdf)
Register at
Best of the Barefoot Farmer Vol.I and II is now available at Amazon. Click here to buy!
Here are the details about Solstice this year. Solstice has its own website, but here is what it it says: ADMISSION – New this year – Gate opens Thursday ! THURSDAY $ 50.00 per person FRIDAY $ 40.00 per person SATURDAY $ 30.00 per person 14 and Under Free with Paying Adult FRONT GATE PROCEDURES…
Cows, compost and community came together during the vernal equinox on the farm. I rented a compost tea sprayer, and we tackled the job of sprinkling horn manure over the approximately 100 acres of pastures, hay fields and gardens. Six to eight garden plots get it once or twice a year, applied with a whisk…