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Busy as Bees
A slow wet spring delayed garden work for a few weeks, but June found us busy as bees. The weeds are growing like weeds, and the vegetables are right behind them. It’s been a great growing season as long as you ignore the calendar.
I Am But A Single Cell, By Olivia Cantrell
We are so lucky to always have such talent and creativity on our farm. The poem below is by an intern from two seasons ago, Olivia Cantrell. I Am But A Single Cell I am but a single cell within a seed, with little energy I must proceed To the sun above that…
What’s Your Opinion?
Here at Long Hungry Creek Farm we like to deliver only the best, highest quality produce. We have these turnips, and we think every single one of them are de-lic-ious, but we heard that some people don’t like the big ones, and some people don’t like the small ones. What’s your opinion? We want to…
Everything in Nature is Related
Recent discoveries in quantum physics, microbiology, and ecology verify something gardeners have long known. Everything in nature is related. There are no solid lines between the plants’ roots, the soil, and the bacteria and fungi tying it all together. To help understand why garden crops do or do not thrive, we are led into the…
We talk about the weather often. A recurring spring question for gardeners is, “Has the weather settled?” We want to plant frost tender crops, but we do not know when the last frost will occur. As of May 1st, it is not likely going to frost, but there is still a possibility. About 20 years…
The letters “GMO” make many people shudder. “Is the corn GMO?”, I am often asked. Why are people worried about GMO, and what does it all mean? Genetically modified organisms, GMO, refers to a relatively new method in breeding, where DNA is manipulated in a laboratory by shooting a gene of one species into the…