Dear Facebook Friends: I Don’t Read My Own Facebook
Dear Facebook Friends,
I have chosen not to look at computers for a variety of reasons. My time is spent outside during daylight, tending plants, animals and farming equipment, or shooting the breeze with neighbors and friends. I value computers and all they offer, and if I’d been born later I’m sure I’d be using them myself.
As it is, I hire that out. Just as I hire out some of the planting and harvesting, or machine work, I have hired Kristina to do computer work. She has done a remarkable job, from typing up my newspaper columns to organizing the website and social media platforms.
Last night I spent an hour looking at my Facebook page, where 5,000 “friends” “follow” me. Looking through the names I found old high school buddies, and great people who have visited the farm that I’d love to reconnect with. After an hour it became clear that I can’t do this, and I barely got through a few hundred names.
I’m in a dilemma. Kristina says we’ll have to delete some “friends”, but she doesn’t know which ones are real acquaintances. I feel honored that so many people are interested in the farm, and I treasure the experiences I’ve had with visitors here over the years.
You can help me. Just let me know that you know me. If you’ve tried to connect and I haven’t responded, please do so again. An email or direct message is more reliable, but we’ll be keeping an eye out over the next few weeks to hear from you via Facebook, etc.
My apologies for being obstinate about this computer thing. It is simply unpleasant for me to look at the screen. Kristina is happy to pint out messages that I can respond to with old-fashioned pen and paper. Thank you so much for bearing with me and I really do look forward to hearing from you. Better yet, come visit when you get a chance.